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The Thomas A. Edison Papers Digital Edition

[LB048453], Letter from Thomas Maguire (Edison Employee) to Charles Batchelor, April 9th, 1891


April 9, 1891.
Charles Batchelor, Esq., 
#33 West 25th Street, 
New York City.
Dear Sir:-
Replying to your letter of 7th instant, received this morning, in regard to the lease of the Putnam County Ore property, I beg to inform you that Major Eaton obtained this document from me on the 21st of January last, before I had an opportunity of making copies of it. I telephoned Eaton & Lewis this morning and learned that Major Eaton was absent. Mr. Meadowcroft, however, promised to have the lease looked up and a copy of it made and sent to your house to-day if possible. I explained to Mr. Meadowcroft that you were urgently in need of it, and he promised to do the best he could.
Yours truly,
(Signed Thomas Maguire)
