[LB048466], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Edison Electric Illuminating Co (New York), Richard Rogers Bowker, April 11th, 1891
April 11, 1891. R.R. Bowker, Esq., 1st Vice President, The Edison Electric illuminating Co. of New York City. #16 & 18 Broad Street, New York City Dear Sir:- Your letter of 7th instant, enclosing copy of a communication addressed by you to Mr. John Kreusi, is before me. I have from the very beginning down to the present time always been in favor of assuming that the electric light has come to stay, that the people will have it, and that a stub-service should be laid at every junction box. Great care must be used, however, in capping the end of the stub service. There is no question whatever about the great saving it would effect in the course of five or six years. Yours very truly, (Signed Thos. A. Edison)