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The Thomas A. Edison Papers Digital Edition

[LB049085], Letter from Alfred Ord Tate to Hermann Claudius, April 22nd, 1891


April 22, 1891. 
Mr. Hermann Claudius,
s/o Mrs. Janata,
9 Scoda- Gasse, Room 13,
Vienna, Austria. 
Dear Sir:- 
Replying to your letter of 23rd ultimo has been delayed owing to the absence of Mr. Edison. 
You are entirely mistaken in attributing to the insulation the trouble mentioned in the newspaper report which you quote in your letter. The insulation holds out splendidly. The reason the lamps grow dull is because the carbons change their resistance. The trouble is entirely with the lamps, and the street mains have nothing whatever to do with it; they have now worked satisfactorily for nine years. We have more than 700 miles of tubes laid and we never have had any trouble with them. 
Yours truly, 
(Signed A.O. Tate) 
Private Secretary.
