[LB049259A], Letter from Alfred Ord Tate to Dyer and Seely, May 6th, 1891
May 6, 1891. Messrs. Dyer & Seely 36 Wall Street, New York City. Dear Sirs:- Mr. Edison has made the following note upon your letter of 29th ultimo, in regard to the appeal which you took some time ago from the decision of the Examiner to the Board of Examiners in Chief in Mr. Edison’s application No. 345 on a process of magnetic separation, and in which the decision of the Examiner was affirmed by the Board: “There is a vast difference. My final product by ore crushing in all pure ore, while Conklin only grades it. Appeal it. Edison.” I return herewith the papers which accompanied your letter above referred to., Yours very truly, A.O. Tate Private Secretary