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The Thomas A. Edison Papers Digital Edition

[LB049504], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Jesse Seligman, May 27th, 1891


27th May, 1891. 
Jesse Seligman, Esq., 
Mills Building. 
New York City. 
My dear Sir:- 
I enclose herewith a letter which I received from Prof. Barker of the University of Pennsylvania, relative to furnishing Prof. Hermann, of Konigsburg University, with a phonograph, for use in connection with the scientific investigation of the mechanism of speech. You will see by Prof. Barker’s letter that the Trustees of the Elizabeth Thompson Science Fund, of which Professor Bowditch, of the Harvard Medical School, is President, and circular in regard to which is also enclosed, have been authorized to expend three hundred dollars to aid Prof. Hermann to carry out of his plans, and that as much of [this sum?] as may be necessary is available for the purchase of a phonograph. I think we could afford to let these people have one of the new phonographs for $150. The instrument, as you will see, is to be used solely for scientific research. If you agree with me, please let me know at once, so that I can communicate with Prof. Barker, and inform him that we will furnish a phonograph at half price. Kindly return the correspondence with your reply. 
Yours very truly,
Thos A. Edison
