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The Thomas A. Edison Papers Digital Edition

[LB049517], Letter from General Zinc Recovery and Lighting Co Ltd, John M Henderson (London) to Edison Manufacturing Co, Thomas Alva Edison, March 13th, 1891


The General Zinc Recovery & Lighting Company, LTD 
13th March, 1891. 
Dear Sir:- 
I duly received your letter of the 17th ultimo, together with the two catalogues for which I am much obliged. 
To enable my Directors to come to a decision will you kindly [illegible text]. What royalty you would suggest should be paid? 2nd. Through What channels you would propose to dispose of the Cells in this Country, and 3rd. What would be the lowest cost at which you could supply the Cells to this Company in case they should decide to push the sales themselves? 
An early reply to the above will greatly oblige. 
J.M. Henderson, 
Thos. A. Edison, Esq., The Edison Manufacturing Co., Orange, N.J., U.S.A.
