[LB049526], Letter from Alfred Ord Tate to William E Hibble, May 28th, 1891


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[LB049526], Letter from Alfred Ord Tate to William E Hibble, May 28th, 1891





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Thomas A. Edison Papers, School of Arts and Sciences, Rutgers University


28th May, 1891.
Mr. Wm. E. Hibble,
Ft. Myers, Florida.
Dear Sir:-
Your letter of 12th instant was duly received by Mr. Edison.
H.A. Parker, or your city, has written Mr. Edison, asking for price of engine, pump, belts, shafting,, and a chest of tools. So far as the engine and Deane pump are concerned, the former cost $750, and the latter $62, and Mr. Edison will sell both of them at the price named, less 15%, for cash, and the other articles in proportion. To enable us to determine the cost of the latter, it will be necessary for you to inform us as to the size of the belts and shafting and to send us a list of the tools in the chest referred to. Please furnish us with this information as early as possible, and in the meantime you might communicate with Mr. Parker regarding the boiler and origins.
Yours very truly,
Private Secretary
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