[LB049663], Letter from Thomas Maguire (Edison Employee) to Alfred Ord Tate, June 11th, 1891
June 11, 1891. A.O. Tate, Esq., Edison Building, Broad St., New York Dear Sir:- The following is a list of the property which Mr. McGowan left in my house at Orange:- 3 Violins 2 Violin Cases 2 Violin Bows 1 Large Photograph of Mr. Edison 1 “ “ “ “ Mary Anderson 1 Trunk (contents unknown) 1 Rubber Riding Coat 1 Grip Sack 1 Copy of De Beriot’s Violin Method 1 “ “ Mazas “ “ 1 Overcoat. 1 Sack Coat 34 Volumes of miscellaneous literature Several pieces of sheet music A bundle of old cast-off clothing A bundle of correspondence papers etc. A number of garments used by McGowan on his South American trip, all of which are in an advanced stage of dilapidation 1 pair of clippers 1 pair of laced shoes Yours truly, Thomas Maguire