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The Thomas A. Edison Papers Digital Edition

[LB050591], Letter from Alfred Ord Tate to North American Phonograph Co, Thomas R Lombard, August 18th, 1891


Aug. 18th, 1891.
Thomas R. Lombard, Esq., Vice-President,
North American Phonograph Company,
#14 & 14 Morris Ave.,
Jersey City, N.J.
My dear Sir:-
I hand you herewith copy of a circular which we addressed to the various phonograph companies in regard to the duplicating business. As you know, by an arrangement between Mr. Edison and Mr. Lippincott, the Laboratory bills for all duplicating experiments have been withdrawn. As you are aware, duplication is not a part of the regular phonograph business, under the control of the Edison Phonograph Company, and Mr. Edison has decided that he will keep this work in the Laboratory where it will be under his personal supervision. We have made a very low price on these duplicates, so that all the companies can use them freely and change their records frequently. This ought very largely to increase their revenue from Nickel-in-the-Slot-Machines; I also take pleasure in handing you a list of the music which we are prepared to supply at the present time. We hope to receive suggestions from the various companies in regard to the selection of music, and some of them have promised to send us master cylinders for duplication. You will observe that the circular attached, refers to a small weight, which should be attached to the reproducer weight of the phonograph. A number of Companies have written to us, asking if we can supply these weights in quantities, as the improvement which they effect in reproducing powers of the phonograph, is very much, and they desire to apply them to the machines that they have in use. The Edison Phonograph Works is prepared to supply these weights upon your order, and we will be glad if you will advise the Phonograph Companies whether or not they are at liberty to make requisition upon you for them.
Yours very truly,
A.O. Tate 
Private Secretary.
