[LB051455], Letter from Alfred Ord Tate to Thomas R Lombard, North American Phonograph Co, October 28th, 1891
242/533 H. F. October 28th, 1891. Thomas E. Lombard, Esq., The North American Phonograph Company, 14 & 16 Morris Street, Jersey City, N.J. My Dear Mr. Lombard:- Referring to your letter of the 19th instant in which you enclose accounts of the expenses of your Canadian Agents, Messrs Holland Brothers, for my consideration, which accounts I beg to hand you herewith, permit me to say that after a very thorough examination of the items in these bills I am more than surprised that they should have been forwarded to me for consideration under the arrangement had between you and myself with respect to the Montreal Exhibit. If you will refer to the letter I wrote you at the time the Montreal exhibition was under consideration you will find that this expense was not only not anticipated but was not even suggested. I cannot believe that these bills were sent to me seriously with the intention that I should pass them, therefore I shall consider them as having been referred to me in ordinary routine and as having been rejected as a matter of course. Yours truly, A.O. Tate Private Secretary.