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The Thomas A. Edison Papers Digital Edition

[LB051501], Letter from Thomas Butler to Direct United States Cable Co Ltd, James Wallace Brown, October 31st, 1891


[D. M.?]
New York,
October 31st, 1891. 
James Brown, Esq., Superintendent, 
The Direct United States Cable Company, Limited, 

40 Broadway,
New York City. 
Dear Sir:- 
The following is sketch made out by Insull in reply to Colonel Gouraud’s message, handed by you to me the other day. You might perchance like to say to Colonel Gouraud at the end of the Cable that you could not see Mr. Edison as he was away at the Ogden Mine, which accounts for Mr. Insull replying. 
“I have Edison has no electric drill ready for marketing, Gouraud must mean the Marvin drill, controlled by Edison General Co. If that is what Gouraud is after it will help him."
Yours very truly, 
Thomas Butler
No enc.
