[LB051514], Letter from Alfred Ord Tate to Thomas Alva Edison, October 31st, 1891
<493/521> M. F. October 31st, 1891. Thomas A. Edison, Esq., Care of The New Jersey & Pennsylvania Concentrating Works, Ogdensburg, N.J. My Dear Mr. Edison:- I hand you herewith a statement of receipts and expenses of the “Phonoplex” from the 1st. of January 1891 to the 1st of September 1891 a period of eight months, which shows that the excess of receipts over expenses, including material on hand, is $675.39. All the material in value $523.80 is good; it consists chiefly of Condensers in perfect order which we will of course use from time to time as they are required. Our revenue from royalties for these eight months is $932.32. The amount to the credit of the account is not very large but I know it will be a satisfaction to you to see that this business is self-sustaining. I know you appreciate the up hill work which I have had in introducing the system with no support whatever from the Western Union Telegraph Company, who control a very large majority of the telegraph lines throughout the country. From this time forward I can make a better showing as I am able to employ Logue in other directions and thus relieve the account of his expense during periods when he is not directly employed upon that work. Yours very truly, A.O. Tate Private Secretary.