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The Thomas A. Edison Papers Digital Edition

[LB051746], Letter from Alfred Ord Tate to Edison General Electric Co, M D Barr, December 3rd, 1891


December 3rd, 1891. 
M.D. Barr, Esq., District Manager, 
Edison General Electric Company, 

77 Bay St.,
Toronto, Ontario, Canada. 
Dear Sir:-- 
Referring to your letter of the 20th ultimo in regard to the packing of the French Storage Battery, I find that this work was done by two of Mr. Kennelly’s assistants, both of whom insist that the plates were packed very carefully in excelsion in an inch plank box, and that any breakage must have been the result of unusually rough handling. Mr. Kennelly states that he unpacked these plates when they were first received at the Laboratory, and that he also observed the way in which they were repacked for shipment to you, and that in his opinion our packing was far superior to that which the goods received when leaving Canada, and therefore they ought to have carried all right. 
Yours truly, 
A.O. Tate
No enc.
