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The Thomas A. Edison Papers Digital Edition

[LB052324], Letter from Thomas R Lombard to Alfred Ord Tate, September 19th, 1891


Letterhead of [illegible text] and Ican Phonograph Company COPY, B. Jersey City, N. J., Sept. 19, 91. A. O. Tate, Esq., Orange, N. J. [illegible text] AMERICAN PHONOGRAPH COMPANY. Dear Mr. Tate:- I have your favor of the 17th instant, enclosing the dodger which you say is being distributed in the City of Montreal. I beg to thank you for sending it to me, and I shall take immediate steps to investigate and to stop any such kind of business being done. I quite agree with you that it is the sort of thing that tends to destroy legitimate business. I do not think our agents at Ottawa are informed of this, nor can I quite believe that it is put out with the authority of the Montreal agent, but that some party who has purchased machines has sent it out. Of course if this is the case it is beyond our power to control; at any rate I shall make a thorough investigation and let you know the result. Thanking you for your kindness, I remain. Yours truly, THOMAS R. LOMBARD. (SIGNED)
