[LB053246], Letter from John F Randolph to A H Cornish, May 27th, 1892
May 27th 92 A.H. Cornish Esq Menlo Park N.J. Dear Sir:- I spoke to Mr. Edison regarding the old glass blowers building at Menlo Park and he stated that he did not want to let anyone have any of the buildings which are at the Laboratory. He has a reason for not selling or lending any of the building which he did not tell me. Yours truly John F. Randolph May 27 1892 L.H. Litterst Esq Menlo Park N.J. Dear Sir:- Mr. Edison wished me to ask you to send him freight to Orange N.J. the following goods are at his house. Two flower stands on front porch One long glass in dining room_ Please have someone put a crate around the glass so it will not be broken. The balance of the furniture which belongs to him you can leave in the house when you move away which please lock up and send the key to Orange and greatly oblige John F. Randolph