[LB053251], Letter from John F Randolph to Thomas Alva Edison, June 1st, 1892
June 1st 1892 Thos A. Edison Esq Ogden N.J. Dear Sir:- I beg to enclose you herewith a letter which was received from Merrs Woerishoffer and Co this morning in which they state that they have bought $3000.00/100 worth of E.E. Mg. Co. New York 5% Bonds at 102 ½ they also enclose calls for the right to purchase Bonds of the General Electric Co. for the 500 shares which was delivered a day or so ago and which is correct. They do not want them made to any order but signed in blank by you. Please sign same and return to me and I will deliver them to Messrs Woerishoffer and Co. I beg to enclose you herewith a letter addressed to Messrs Woerishoffer and Co, asking them to send you a check for $13700.00/100 please sign same as I will need this money to pay a Call of the New Jersey and Penn Concentrating Works which falls due on the 6th day of June. I beg to call your attention to the fact that if you wish to exercise or sell you right to subscribe for Bonds in the General Electric Co you must do so before twelve o’clock on June 7 1892 as they will not receive any subscriptions after that time. Yours truly John F. Randolph June 2 1892 German National Bank Newark N.J. Dear Sirs: I beg to enclose you herewith check from the [illegible text] [illegible text] [Co?] for $500.00/100 Please place same to my credit and oblige Yours truly Thos. A. Edison R.