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The Thomas A. Edison Papers Digital Edition

[LB053344], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Drexel Morgan & Co, October 10th, 1892


Oct 6th 1892 
German National Bank 
Newark, N.J. 
Dear Sir: 
I beg to enclose you herewith checks as follows: 
From General Electric Co:- 
“          J.R. Plmenberg’s Sons                      3.70 
“           D.B. Delaran                                     50.00 
“            J.E. Wyman                                       37.72 
“   Kansas City F.A. Scott + Memphis R.R. 108.33 


Please place same to my credit and oblige. 
Yours truly 
Thos. A. Edison
Oct 10th, 92 
Messrs Drexel Morgan and Co.
23 Wall Street 
New York 
Dear Sirs:- 
Please arrange for me so that the Cincinnati, Indianapolis, St. Louis and Chicago R.R. and New York Central and Hudson River R.R. will send checks direct to me for interest on their bonds held by me. 
By giving your prompt attention  you will greatly oblige 
Yours truly 
Thos A. Edison
