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The Thomas A. Edison Papers Digital Edition

[LB053648], Letter from John F Ott to John H Wood, September 21st, 1893


Sept 28 93
German National Bank
Newark N. J.
Dear Sirs:-

    I beg to enclose you herewith checks as follows:-

From. Ralph [illegible text]   $60.25
"         E. E. Light Co. Phila.   $27.09
"         J. E. Hyman.               $15.68
"         E. B. Estes and Sons     2.26


Please place same to my credit and oblige
Yours truly
Thos. A. Edison
Sept. 21st 93
John H. Wood Esq.
18920 Liberty St. N. Y.
Dear Sir:-
I beg to notify you that the sprinkler, system in room, there at the Laboratory went off, it was caused by the room being [orchestrated?] by a small gas furnaces, no damage was done and we put in new furnaces so this thing will not happen again.
Yours very truly
John F. Ott
