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The Thomas A. Edison Papers Digital Edition

[LB054195], Letter from Alfred Ord Tate to Cornell University, Robert Henry Thurston, November 7th, 1891


Nov. 7, 1891. 
Prof. R. H. Thurston, 
Sibley College, Cornell University 
Ithaca, N.Y. 
My dear Sir:- 
Reply to your letter of 24th ultimo has been delayed owing to the necessity of my having to forward it to Mr. Edison, who is now at his iron mine in Ogden N.J., where he expects to remain for some time yet. 
Mr. Edison has instructed me to say in answer to your communication that he regrets exceedingly he is again compelled to decline your kind invitation, so courteously extended to himself and Mrs. Edison, to visit Cornell. At the present time Mr. Edison is busily engaged, night and day, and can scarcely find time to eat or sleep. He is trying very hard to dispose of some of his more pressing work, and until that is accomplished he will not permit himself to give a thought to recreation. He appreciates very highly your invitation and regrets his inability to accept it at this time.  
In regard to a lecturer to talk to your students on the Edison series of inventions, Mr. Edison suggests Mr. A. E. Kenelly, of the Laboratory, who is also the Consulting Electrician of the Edison Gen’l. Electric Company, and, as Mr. Edison says, one of the very few who really understand high physics.  
Yours very truly, 
A. O. Tate 
Private Secretary.
