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The Thomas A. Edison Papers Digital Edition

[LB054348], Letter from Thomas Maguire (Edison Employee) to Alfred Ord Tate, November 20th, 1891


Nov. 20, 1891.  
A. O. Tate, Esq., 
New York City. 
Dear Sir:- 
Referring again to the insulation experiments which are being conducted at the Laboratory, Mr. Aylesworth took with him to Schenectady a few days ago some samples of a non-inflammable compound, which, in the absence of Mr. Kreusi, he submitted to the Superintendent of the Institution Department there, who was very favorably impressed with him. I enclose herewith press copy of a letter on this subject which was received to-day from the Ass’t. Manager of the Schenectady Works. The quantity of non-inflammable compound which he asks us to send to the Works will be made up and forwarded as soon as possible. We are being delayed in its manufacture owing to the difficulty of obtaining the necessary apparatus. Mr. Aylesworth hopes to be able to ship the material in about a week or ten days and is doing all he can to expedite the matter.   
Yours truly, 
Thomas Maguire
