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The Thomas A. Edison Papers Digital Edition

[LB054621], Letter from Alfred Ord Tate to Alexander W Logan, December 16th, 1891


R. December 16th, 1891. A. W. Logan, Esq., 890 [Buchetel?] Ave., Akron, OHIO. Dear Sir:- Mr. Edison has read your letter of 3rd instant which you addressed to him at Ogden, and has instructed me to say to you in reply, that [illegible] as it will be some years yet before the electric system of propulsion is adopted generally by reduced corporations – they are so conservative – these who are desirous of learning the business and qualifying themselves for employment on electric railroads in a capacity such as you refer to, will have plenty of time in which to acquire the necessary knowledge. Yours very truly, A. O. Tate Private Secretary.
