[LB054645], Letter from Alfred Ord Tate to George Parsons Lathrop, December 21st, 1891


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[LB054645], Letter from Alfred Ord Tate to George Parsons Lathrop, December 21st, 1891




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Thomas A. Edison Papers, School of Arts and Sciences, Rutgers University


Dec. 21, 1891.
George Parsons Lathrop, Esq.,
No. 43 Federal Street,
New London, Conn.
Dear Sir:-
Mr. Edison has received your favor of 15th instant, enclosing letter from your friend, Mr. Augustus St. Gaudens, together with a communication from Mr. Pierre Granet, of Paris’, France, each of which he has perused.
In regard to Mr. Granet’s suggestion relative to a display at the Chicago World’s Fair of wax figures, to be represented as [having?] and speaking by the aid of suitable mechanism in combination with the phonograph, Mr. Edison does not consider the idea practicable. This adaptation of the phonograph to this purpose would be comparatively easy, but a method for the movement of the lips, eyes etc. of the figures would have to be devised, and it would be impossible for Mr. Edison to devote any time to the solution of that problem, there are so many other matters connected with this own exhibit at the World’s Fair requiring his attention. Besides, it would be a very tedious line of experimentation, and Mr. Edison does not feel like undertaking it.
Yours truly,
A. O. Tate
Private Sec’y.
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