[LB054662], Letter from Alfred Ord Tate to Robert Grimshaw, December 23rd, 1891
December 23, 1891. Robert Grimshaw, Esq., No. 21 Park Row, New York City. Dear Sir:- Your letter of 26th ultimo, with relation to data concerning Mr. Edison’s work during the present year for incorporation in an annual Record of Scientific Progress which you are preparing, has remained answered owing to the absence of Mr. Edison, who returned to Laboratory only a few days ago. In compliance with your request I take pleasure in enclosing herewith a brief statement of some of the inventions brought out by Mr. Edison this year, and I trust that the [illegible] will answer your purpose Very truly yours, A. O. Tate Private Secretary. LIST OF SOME OF THE INVENTIONS BROUGHT OUT BY MR. EDION DURING THE YEAR 1891. KINETOGRAPH An instrument intended to reproduce sound and motion simultaneously, being a combination of a specially constructed camera and a phonograph. The Kinetograph will do for the eye what the phonograph did for the ear. ELECTRIC RAILWAY New system for electric railways which will do away with the trolley wire. Especially adapted for large cities where overhead wires are prohibited. HIGH SPEED ELECTRIC SYSTEM for steam railroads. HIGH VOLT LAMP, which effects a saving of fifty cents per cent in copper. New series of ELECTRIC LIGHT METERS, for registering consumption of current with accuracy. IMPROVED ALTERNATING SYSTEM OF ELECTRIC LIGHTING. Method of and apparatus for TRANSMITTING HIGH TENSION CURRENTS and transforming the same to low tension at a distant point. A NEW PHONOGRAPH. A method of duplicating by machinery phonograph records. Mr. Edison also established this year at Ogden, N. J. large Ore Milling Works for the concentration of low grade iron ore.