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The Thomas A. Edison Papers Digital Edition

[LB055562], Letter from Alfred Ord Tate to Dyer and Seely, February 24th, 1892


Feb. 24, 1892. 
Messrs. Dyer & Seely, 
No. 36 Wall Street, 
New York City. 
Dear Sirs:- 
Mr. Edison has read your letter of 20th instant, informing him that his application #927, which is on an electrical meter having a weighing device which can be moved so as to weigh the kathode in either of two cells, has been allowed by the Patent Office. 
Regarding the claims that were originally embodied in the above application, but between which and the claims to the meter the Patent Office required division, and which were therefore cancelled by you, Mr. Edison says that you need not file a divisional application covering these cancelled claims, the meter claims involving the weighing apparatus being all that he cares for. 
Yours truly, 
A. O. Tate 
Private Secretary, 
