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The Thomas A. Edison Papers Digital Edition

[LB056099], Letter from Alfred Ord Tate to M M Marble, March 16th, 1892


Mar. 16, 1892. 
M. N. Marble, Esq., 
Hillhouse High School, 
New Haven, Conn. 
Dear Sir:- 
With reference to your letter of 8th instant addressed to Mr. Edison, I take pleasure in stating that we can loan you for use on the occasion to which you refer the following lantern slides, which I take it will be more acceptable than engravings: 
A view of the original phonograph. 
A view of the present phonograph. 
A sectional view of the phonograph.  
A view of representing Mr. Edison listening to the phonograph. 
I regret I will be unable to send you a view of phonographic impression highly magnified; neither will it be practicable for me to obtain for you a phonographic record of Mr. Edison’s voice. So many people write Mr. Edison for a record of his voice that he declines to consider all such requests. Should you desire a photograph of Mr. Edison in addition to the one mentioned above, I can send you a picture by Falk, from which you could have a slide mode. The slides mentioned are being made in the Laboratory for a special purpose and will be required by us later on. I would therefore ask that you take good care of the same and return them immediately after the lecture in connection with which they are to be used is finished.  
If you will advise the writer of the late upon which you will require the slides, he will see that they are forwarded to you in reasonable time.  
In regard to phonograph sound reproductions, the tone distortion and metallic ring to which you refer in your letter have been entire eliminated from the latest type of instrument, whose reproductions are perfect and absolutely faithful to the original.  
Yours very truly, 
A. O. Tate 
Private Secretary.
