[LB056287], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Alfred George Renshaw, April 9th, 1892
April 9, 1892 A.G. Renshaw, Esq., No. 2 Suffolk Lane, Cannon St., London, E.C., England. Dear Sir:- I beg to advise you that Mr. J. Lewis Young is conducting a business at No. 87 Fore Street, London, in the sale of Edison Mimeographs, under the name and style of the “Edison Mimeograph Company.” Mr. Young is entirely unauthorized by me to incorporate my name in the title of his Company, and I will be obliged if you will formally notify him to discontinue its use immediately. Should Mr. Young fail to comply with this request, please advise me and I will at once instruct you concerning the commencement of legal proceedings. Yours truly, [T.A. Edison?]