[LB056459], Letter from Alfred Ord Tate to Dyer and Seely, May 11th, 1892
Messrs, Dyer & Seely, No. 35 Wall Street, New York City. Dear Sirs:- Mr. Edison has read your letter of 9th instant, informing him that his application 941, which claims the use of a card wire brush for cleaning ore screens, now stands allowed, the Board of Examiners-in-Chief having overrule the decision of the Examiner in appeal. Mr. Edison wishes the final government fee on this application paid at once. Please inform me what the amount of same is and I will have a check sent to you. Mr. Edison also notes the result of your appeal in his case 750, as detailed in your letter now under reply. Yours truly, A.O. Tate Private Secretary.