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The Thomas A. Edison Papers Digital Edition

[LB057243], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to New Jersey and Pennsylvania Concentrating Works, Owen J Conley, April 6th, 1893


April 6, 1893.
Mr. O. J. Conley, Sup't.,
New Jersey & Penn'a. Concentrating Works,
Edison, N. J.
Dear Sir: -
This letter will be handed to you by a representative of HARPER'S MAGAZINE, who visits Ogden for the purpose of making a drawing of my Magnetic Separator, for reproduction in the periodical named. The Artist has my permission to make a sketch of the apparatus, and you will therefore please admit him to the Works, and see that he is furnished with such facilities as he may require in the accomplishment of his purpose.
Yours very truly,
Thos A Edison
