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The Thomas A. Edison Papers Digital Edition

[LB061018], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Bates Manufacturing Co, Edwin G Bates, April 14th, 1894


April 14th. 1894. 
Edwin G. Bates, Esq., Treas., 
Bates Manfg. Co., 
44 Broad Street, New York.
Dear Sir:- 
I wish you would arrange to send a statement of your fixed charges, such as rent, salaries, &c., and at the same time I shall be glad to receive from you a statement of your Accounts Receivable and Payable, as also a statement of your [illegible] Bills Payable, if any. In making up statement of Accounts Receivable, I should like it made up in such a way as to show what length of time each account has run for say the three previous months. Will you please let me know at the same time whether you have a lease of the premises now occupied by your Company in the Edison Building, and if so, when it expires. Any other general information that you can give me, such as amount of stock on hand, and prospects for future business will be appreciated.  
Yours very truly, 
Thos A Edison
