[LB062050], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to James Kearney, October 4th, 1895
Oct. 4th, 1895. James Kearney, Esq., #153 Broadway, N. Y., Dear sir:- In reply to your favor of the 1st inst., regarding the claim of Mr. Jos. F. Smith against the North American Phonograph Co., for funeral and burial expenses of the late Thomas McGuire, I beg to advise you that the arrangement which I made with the North American Phonograph Co., in regard to these expenses, has been carried out, and the amount [in?] which I was to pay has been deducted from my account with that Company, and any delay as to payment on the part of the Company, is something I am not responsible for. Yours very truly, Thos. A. Edison R[andolph].