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The Thomas A. Edison Papers Digital Edition

[LB062403], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Maguire and Baucus, Franck Zeveley Maguire, April 3rd, 1896


April 3rd., 1896. 
F. Z. Maguire, Esq., Vice Pres., 
Maguire & Baucus, Limited, 
44 Pine St., N. Y., 
Dear Sir:- 
Referring further to your letters of March 19th. and 21st., I would say that it is the intention of the National Phonograph Company not to retail Phonographs, but sell them through three or four parties, having the necessary capital and agency facilities. We may be compelled to sell to two local Companies. We have made arrangements to sell to Mr. Tewksbury or his Company, and we will also sell to your firm.  If your Company, and Mr. Tewksbury or his Company, conduct the business of selling Phonographs in the United States and Canada to our satisfaction, we will aid you, as far as possible, referring any orders received direct by us to either your Company or Mr. Tewksbury’s Company, so as to make an equitable division, according to the total sales of either concern. 
I want it distinctly understood, however, that while it is our present intention to sell only to your Company and Mr. Tewksbury’s Company, and perhaps two other Companies, we do not bind ourselves in any way not to sell to others, as the situation regarding the patent question may so change that it will be to our interest and perhaps to that of your Company also, to sell to others, but I repeat that it is not our intention as matters now stand to do so. 
Yours very truly, 
Thomas A Edison
