[LB063461], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Edison-Saunders Compressed Air Co, April 24th, 1899
April 24, 1899. To the Directors of Edison-Saunders Compressed Air Company. Gentlemen:-- I am the owner of an invention relating to a new and useful Method of and Apparatus of Reheating Compressed Air for Industrial Purposes, upon which invention I applied to the U.S. Patent Office for a patent, such application having been filled February 27th, 1899. Serial No. 706,976, and I have also applied for a British patent upon the same invention. I offer to sell to you, for the sum of seven thousand five hundred dollars ($7,500), payable seven hundred and fifty dollars ($6,750) in stock of your Company per value, all my right, title and interest in and to said invention in and for the United States and Great Britain, and in and to the United States and British patents which may be granted on the said applications. Yours truly, Thomas A. Edison.