[LM022133], Letter from Charles Patterson Bruch to Ezra Torrance Gilliland, September 10th, 1888
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- Title
- [LM022133], Letter from Charles Patterson Bruch to Ezra Torrance Gilliland, September 10th, 1888
- Editor's Notes
- "Your letter of Aug. 29th and letter (not dated) written some days later, with cheque for $500 rec’d. ### Miss Wyman and I rebated our salaries and I borrow $50.00 and held the bills that did not demand immediate payment—but found myself running short again and arranged to get $300.00 from Mr. Edison. This he promised to send me last week. It has not come yet, when it does I shall retain it, at least until I am sure I shall not need it. I will forward another statement in a day or two. Nobody but the office boys have shown up in either office this morning and I can hardly spare the time to get out the statement for this mail which closes at 630 am tomorrow—per Alaska. ### I will make necessary arrangements to have the ‘Edith’ [yacht?] laid up by the 1st of the month, and will keep you advised about her as well as other matters. ### Everything is all right at the house. I have communicated with Nora every day or two on the telephone, and called there two or three times. ### He says she needs nothing and is getting along nicely. I have heard nothing from [unclear] for several weeks, when Parrish wrote that they had not yet begun on the books. I replied advising him not to delay the matter as the longer they are allowed to run the more difficult it will be to straighten them up. ### I should have suggested throwing the old accounts (?) [unclear] and starting anew, but the law requires sworn statements of the business done, and that makes it necessary to write up the books from the beginning. ### I note what you say about McGuire and McCutcheon. They have not attempted to get anything here to aid them—and I wouldn’t of course allow them to have access to any of our files. I think Mr. Lippincott has succeeded in making arrangements with [unclear] and McLaughlin though I am not sure. He told me he had heard nothing from McCutcheon since writing him to affect that they had no contract and didn’t propose to be bound by any contract that he might have with you which had not been turned over to them. I suppose [unclear] is awaiting your answer to his letter, before he makes his next move. ### The new code hasn’t come in yet. ### I shall be glad to have it as I find the same difficulty with Palmer’s code that you do. If there had been more time before you sailed it might have been made much better. ### There was no quorum of the Board of the [unclear] Tel. co. the other day and nothing was done. Mr. [unclear] thought better drop the matter until you get home unless it becomes necessary to make some stock transfers or transact some other matters through the Secretary and Treasurer. In that case, another meeting will be called. I told them you merely [unclear] to have Hall’s place filled in case there should be any routine business and that if there is likely to be nothing to do. I supposed the delay would be of no consequences, if you find it necessary to have anything done. I’ll get Mr. Tappan or some-one to get a few shares of stock transferred and make that a pretext for urging action on Hall’s resignation. ### I have not heard from the Laboratory as to whether your machines have gone. I suppose they are communicating with you direct. ### I have sent Hibble $100.00 as [unclear] your cable instructions." Yours very truly, Chas. P. Bruch
- Author
- Bruch, Charles Patterson
- Recipient
- Gilliland, Ezra Torrance
- Date
- 1888-09-10
- Type
- Letter
- Folder ID
- LM022-F
- Microfilm ID
- 143:1106
- Document ID
- LM022133
- Publisher
- Thomas A. Edison Papers, School of Arts and Sciences, Rutgers University
- License
- CC0 1.0 Universal
- Has Version
- Archive.org Viewer, Microfilm Series Reel 143