[LM111248], Letter from Arthur Edwin Kennelly to Non Magnetic Watch Company of America, January 1st, 1889
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- Title
- [LM111248], Letter from Arthur Edwin Kennelly to Non Magnetic Watch Company of America, January 1st, 1889
- Editor's Notes
- ####[page 157]####1st January####The Non Magnetic Watch Co####New York####Gnetlmen####In reply to your favor of yesterday's date, allow me to say that the watches you refer to were lent by and not purchased from Mr Storr, and that at the conclusion of the tests they were returned to that gentleman.####YOurs faithfully####A.E. Kennelly####[page 158]####14th January####J.H. Webb Esq Secretary####Society of Electrical Engineers####Dear Mr Webb####I am posting to Sir John Pender for his examination and approval, a full papter that by his permission I have written on the subject of certian interference observed between the Direc United States Cables at Halifax N.S, due to imperfect earth. As soon as he has passed his approval I have begged him to forward it to you that it may be submitted to the council. I think the subject is a very interesting and important one and just now particularly when if the journals speak truly there is a desire among the Council and Members of the Society to promote as far as possible the welfare of the telegrpahic branch.####I should be very much obliged if you would let me know when this paper reahces your hands, whether it is approved by the Council, and if so whether I can in any way assist you with the presentation of it before the members.####All be experiments with one exception were made by me personally in the presence and with the assistance of another gentleman so that the facts can if necessary be supported####I remain yours very sincerely####A.E. Kennelly.####[page 159]####14th January 8####Sir John Pender NCMG####Dear Sir####I was very pleased to receive your message saying that I had misinterpreted the tenor of your previous letter, and I beg to forward herewith by registered [took?] p--tthe paper you kindly permitted me to write for this Society of Telegraph Engineers on the subject of cable interference. If it meets as I trust it will with your approval, I hope that after due examination you will have it easily forwarded to the Secretary of the Society that it may take its turns in the ---- for the session, and I am writing to that gentlemen on the subject. I think that this paper and the discussion it should elicit cannot fail to throw light on the whole subject and there benefit cable telegraphy in general and the Atlantic cables in particular####I remain Dear Sir####Yours very faithfully####A.E. Kennelly####
- Author
- Kennelly, Arthur Edwin
- Recipient
- Non Magnetic Watch Company of America
- Mentioned
- Starr, T B
- Date
- 1889-01-01
- Type
- Letter
- Folder ID
- LM111-F
- Microfilm ID
- 109:263
- Document ID
- LM111248
- Publisher
- Thomas A. Edison Papers, School of Arts and Sciences, Rutgers University
- License
- CC0 1.0 Universal
- Has Version
- Archive.org Viewer, Microfilm Series Reel 109