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The Thomas A. Edison Papers Digital Edition

[LM240833], Letter from Walter Seeley Mallory to Harry Scott Gay, April 21st, 1900


April 21st, 1900.
Mr. H. S. Gay, Supt.
N. J. & P. C. Works,
Edison, N. J.
Dear Sir:--
Commencing May 1st, we expect to operate the Plant at Edison on a commercial basis, and to  that end we will require certain definite information.
First:-- We will want an inventory of the following goods which may be on hand on morning of May 1st:-
Coal                           Lbs.        Cost
Oil (in-oil) House.      Gals           "
Rosin                         Bbls.           "
Residuum                  Gals.           "
Dynamite                   Lbs.            "
The cost price to include cost of exploder, fuse, etc. 
Lumber                      Ft.             Cost.
Store Room               Supplies-  Cost
At the close of each month will want a summary of the Pay Roll after same has been proved, as follows:-
Labor                          Operating

                                  Repair Labor                   Operating
"                           Repairs.
Mill No. 1.
Labor                     Operating
"                             Repairs
Bricker Plant
Labor                       Operating
"                               Repairs
The above distribution to cover all labor for operating and repairs connected with above specified department.
There should also be a summary of other Labor as follows:
Labor Loading and shipping briquettes
"              "          "         "       sand
"      Unloading coal
"             "         freight
Other General Yard work not classified above, specifying kind and cost.
Labor for repairs, Mill Buildings, Residence Buildings, etc. should be summarized under the proper head and shown on this Report to the proper subdivision. Summary of salaries of officer force, store room, Heads of Depts. and not included in above distribution, classified so same may be distributed on a percentage basis, and the totals of these subdivisions must agree with total of Pay Roll as proved.
A summary of all supplies distributed from the Store Room should be made each month, and shown under proper head in like manner to the above, viz:
Mines--             Operating


Crusher Plant    Operating


So also with Coal, Oil and Lumber.
In order to arrive at the oil used during the month from the pipe lines--If a careful inventory is taken May 1st of quantity in Oil House plus quantity put in during the month, minus inventory of quantity on hand first of next month, will give quantity used during the month just ended.
At this office all we will require is the total gallons and cost of same; but at your end, you should keep track of the several kinds at their prices, as there are different grades and prices. Should there be any new Construction work like putting up new buildings either residence or Mill buildings or anything to increase the value of the plant, the labor or material used for same, should be classified on this Report as "Construction", specifying kind.
If this is not entirely clear, or if you have any suggestion to make whereby we can arrive at the desired information, would be pleased to hear from you.
Yours very truly,
[Walter S. Mallory?]
