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The Thomas A. Edison Papers Digital Edition

[LM240865], Letter from Walter Seeley Mallory to Pilling and Crane, April 23rd, 1900


April 23rd, 1900
Messrs Pilling & Crane
Girard Building,
Philadelphia, Pa.
Please make our order for coal as follows, which is to stand until further orders:-
8 cars per week Bituminous coal
3 cars      "       "      No. 2. Buckwheat or Rice
1 car        "       "        No. 1 Buckwheat
We want the No. 2 Buckwheat for our Bricker Ovens, as we find we can keep a more even temperature with this size of coal, than with the larger size; and as we will require a lower temperature this time, than we ran before, we trust that you will be able to get this quality for us, as it will make our briquettes much more [illegible] than with the larger size.
We trust that you will be able to get these shipments to us regularly and promptly. This order supersedes previous orders; but the order given you on Thursday last for eight or ten cars extra Bituminous coal, is still effective.
Yours very truly,
