[LM241152], Letter from Walter Seeley Mallory to Harry Scott Gay, September 29th, 1900
September 29th, 1900 Mr. H.S. Gay, Supt., Edison, N.J. Dear Sir:- On the report for September 25th., Bricker plant, Mr. Edison notes 135 minutes we were short of ore from No.. 2 Stock House. He requests that you look after this and see that ore is shovelled regularly, so the Bricker plant can be kept to its full supply of ore at all times. The writer suggested to you yesterday that you had better put a man in charge of these men and trust that you have done so. The briquettes that you load to ship on orders to the Carbon Iron & Steel Company and the Allentown Iron Works, which are to be loaded from those stored in #95 conveyor, I noticed yesterday that these briquettes were pretty well covered with dust which has been which as been blown from the fan over #3 Dryer, and I would suggest that when they are on the cars, they give them a pretty thorough wash down, so they will have a better look when they arrive at furnace. As stated to you yesterday verbally, both of these orders call for non-Bessemer, so do not ship any of the briquettes we are now making and do not unload any more briquettes at 96 conveyor, unless it is necessary for want of care of some other good reason. Yours very truly, W.S. Mallory