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The Thomas A. Edison Papers Digital Edition

[LM241163], Letter from Walter Seeley Mallory to John S Kennedy, Musconetcong Iron Works, October 1st, 1900


October 1st, 1900
Mr. John S. Kennedy, Manager,
Musconetcong Iron Works,
Stanhope, N.J.
Dear Sir:-
We beg to acknowledge with thanks the receipt of yours of the 28th ult enclosing copy of your Charge book from September 9th to the 15th inclusive. Mr. Edison would like very much to have this information up to the first of October, so that we would have thirty days previous to the time the briquettes went on and a longer period covering the time when they were on, so to give as much data as possible to aid him in studying out the results obtained. From what Mr. Howe has said and written to us, no doubt he would be wiling that you should send this further information to us and as soon as it is tabulated, we will send in the charts. We understand, of course, that this information is confidential and will treat it as such.
Thanking you for your trouble and trusting that we may receive further information, we are.
Yours truly,
W.S. Mallory
