[LM241341], Letter from Walter Seeley Mallory to Pilling and Crane, October 17th, 1900


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[LM241341], Letter from Walter Seeley Mallory to Pilling and Crane, October 17th, 1900






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Thomas A. Edison Papers, School of Arts and Sciences, Rutgers University


October 17th, 1900
Messrs. Pilling & Crane
Girard Building
Philadelphia, Pa
Dear Sirs:-
The writer was at the Bank today getting discounted the two notes which you mailed us yesterday. The bank is very anxious for us to settle up the Baird note of $10,000 which was due on September 28th, and for which Baird sent us two renewal notes of $8,000 and $2,000 each. They have been holding this matter open at our request, awaiting results of the Miller negotiations. We would appreciate it very much if you would take this matter up vigorously with Mr. Miller and have him come to some settlement. At the same time we are very anxious the deal should go through, as it would cause a considerable inconvenience to have to take up the Baird paper, which we would be compelled to do in case the Miller deal falls through, as the bank has refused to renew the Baird note, feel that Baird himself is largely to blame for this state of affairs, as if he had given us proper notice, the renewal could have been made without any question, but owing the fact that he let the note go twice until practically three o'clock the day it was due, makes the bank very suspicious of his paper.
If the writer can help the matter any by coming to Philadelphia, please either telegraph or telephone and I will come over immediately. The bank has requested us to have the matter settled either one way or the other this week.
Trusting you will be able to help us in the matter and that the Miller deal will go through, we are
Yours very truly,
W.S. Mallory V.P,
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