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The Thomas A. Edison Papers Digital Edition

[LM241376], Letter from Walter Seeley Mallory to Pilling and Crane, October 22nd, 1900


October 22nd, 1900
Messrs. Pilling & Crane
Girard Building,
Philadelphia, Pa. 
Dear Sirs:-
We are in receipt of yours of the 19th inst. relative to conversation you had with Purchasing Agent of the Bethlehem Company. Mr. Edison says he believes you will be able to sell the briquettes we have on hand, for at least seven cents per unit, and if not at present, certainly after the Election.
Regarding the claim that 200 tons of the briquettes went above .040 in phosphorous, we wish you would send the samples you have from Bethlehem to Booth, Garrett & Blair and have the phosphorous determined, as our people claim nothing was shipped that would go above .040.
Yours very truly,
W.S. Mallory V.P.
