[MBN010001] Technical Note, 1882-1883
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- Title
- [MBN010001] Technical Note, 1882-1883
- Editor's Notes
- General note: this notebook will be very useful for dynamo appendix and for various technical spec for dynamos. Image 1 titled: "Machines Dynamos (System Edison). Useful for appendix on various dynamo models. gives model, no. lamps, weight, resistance and so on. But it's in French. Image 2: electric light tubes price list dated June 1, 1882. Image 4 dated June 20, 1882 gives list of dynamos and their specs [USEFUL FOR APPENDIX]; list of Edison lamps (8, 10, 16, 32 cp); and specs on B&W boiler installatoin. Image 5: table of house wire specs. Image 6: breakdown of gas prices. Image 7: safety catch specs. Image 8 is printed table of BWG wire specs. Image 9 is very well done dwg of "Lamp Testing Apparatus." Image 10: more stuff in French, list of lamps at Belleville and number of lamps run off B&W boilers at Glasgow. Various dwgs of steam engine. More tables in French. Image 17: "Notes on Dynamos" gives layout of armature windings and other specs. Image 18: in French gives table of various installed isolated plants, dynamo model and other specs. [USEFUL FOR APPENDIX] Image 20: sketch labeled "Charge dynamo in this manner and then connect brush pointed down to right hand bind post Brush pointed down will be + and the one by which the current issues from the armature." Image 21: "Calculation fo wires." resistances and such. Image 23: table of dynamo specs; keeper and magnet head sizes. Image 24: table of armature specs. Image 25: table of magnet core specs. Images 26-27 specs and sketches of armature windings. Image 28: table of BWG specs. Image 29: specs for brgs & babbitts.
- Author
- Batchelor, Charles
- Date
- 1882-1883
- Type
- Technical Note
- Folder ID
- MBN010-F
- Microfilm ID
- 91:575
- Document ID
- MBN010001
- Publisher
- Thomas A. Edison Papers, School of Arts and Sciences, Rutgers University
- License
- CC0 1.0 Universal
- Has Version
- Archive.org Viewer, Microfilm Series Reel 91
- Item sets
- [MBN010-F] Cat. 1311 (1882-1883)