[N320193], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, May 1st, 1887
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- Title
- [N320193], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, May 1st, 1887
- Editor's Notes
- "Electric Lamp Experiments Disolve or rather mix as much pure Alumina also Magnesia with Asphalt Solution possible-- dip preliminarized Regular A Carbon & also carbons in Solution so surface when Carbonzed will be partially of a non conducting infusible oxide {Martin} No 2 Make a order number 15 going to clamp dept make a strong acetate of Magnesia-- Lime, Alumina the solution nearly saturated & syrupy then dissolve all the Sugar it will take up in the solution dip preliminary filaments & also carbons on carbonization this will give a carbon Magnesium surface-- make 15 of each kind {Martin} Pack some new stock filiments in powdered Asphalt & run up to as high as possible say 600 fahr take out while hot & pour it out getting filiments out & disolving off asphalt-- then dip in regular asphalt solution & preliminarys also Linseed oil-- also Linseed oil loaded with asphalt {Ent Hamilton} Dip preliminarized fibres prelim to 500@600 in melted asphalt at 600@700 fahr-- Try melted sugar arrange to duplicate 234 in our new process but putting filiments under strain-- Duplicate a good new stock curve but using carbon instead of metal boxes-- {Martin} Run some new stock through with powdered fusible metal securing filiments so they wont float when metal melts {Hamilton} Put a pine stick in metal tube which stick has been soaked in saturated solution Tannic acid put some tannic acid in bottom bring up quickly in stove of pump room {John Ott} also put pine stick in tube with Red Oxide Mercury in bottom to give off oxygen {John Ott} preliminarize fibres in following liquids as high as possible-- Melted Rosin-- Anthracene, Chrysene-- Mp 275C Hexabrombenzine C2Cl6 Mp 182C The Haloids may produce beneficial chemical reaction Hexachlorbenzine Mp 222C Try flow Sulphur to prelminize in metls 113C boils 447C [opposite page: "Tri bromide Bismuth melts 198 boils red heat Fusible metal 4 Bi-- 1 Cadmium-- 2 Lead 1 tin 4Bi-- 1Cd 2 Pb 1 Sn Antimony Trichloride melts 73 boils 230 at pressure atmos & 160 in vac-- Stannous Chl melts 240-- boils 617--] preliminize in glycerine, olive oil, Sugar alone-- powdered fine-- phenol 187C boiling pt. Boil some fully carbonized filiments secured in reg forms in Sulphuric acid out doors until they bend-- then take out & run curve-- take some dips in asphalt sol & run through whole of reg process-- {Marshall} put some regs carbons in strong water & SO4 sol put current on & oxidize the surface until very black-- also put in nitric acid do same some sets more than others & longer-- then treat with asphalt after they have been heated & washed to get acid out object is to remove the outer scale-- {Payne} Take lot carbons & pass them through flame so they are partially oxidzed treat with asphalt Take reg Carbon mounted on inside part dip in asphalt solution 24 hours seal in Lamp & then gradually bring fil up in Vac while pump running to carbonize asphalt surface stopping each time to permit gas to be evacuated Make 6 in this manner get cuve-- {Marshall} ascertain on a reg set up at 80 The increase of Resistance every hour until busted. Then take another and put at 80 selecting one of same economy & volts & insert Res equal each time to increase on the one burning & see what CP will come to don’t burn the standard only during test with Res-- object is to see how much decrease in CP is due to increase of resistance-- {Marshall} Melt some Zinc get it red hot plunge secured fibres in it. Also try copper molten in white hot. Run Curve also a curve after being treated with asphalt & run through reg process-- {Payne} Carbonize ie preliminize some filiments in Aqua regia weak-- also in melted Sulphide Potassium {Hamilton} Put lamp on pump with stop cock under Hg-- get Vac & work lamp regular then close cock & let it burn at say 80 CP near as possible for 2 hours keeping pump running-- then turn cock & see if air ha accumulated-- {Marshall} Try passing current through reg filiment secured to inside part diping in [Linseed?] Molten Asphalt also sugar {Payne} Try preliminizing fibres in Linseed oil, Linseed loaded with asphalt, asphalt in turpentine-- Sugar etc in sealed glass tubes-- up to 5@700 fahr also try Haloid combinations with carbon-- Chls Carbon etc-- {Hamilton} Make couple extra brass tubes suspsend in them pine pieces allow them to remain in Lamp heating stove 1 to 3 days Keep record of time & deliver to me {John Ott} Float on surface of Asphalt baths & also sugar solution best electrotypers plumbago quite thick so that when solution goes down it will leave a surface of plumbago-- you can do this in a small experimental bath that will do 25 carbons at a time also try Mangesia Oxide Oxide Alumina etc, this will give good reflecting surface make order No of 15 each kind {Martin} Have box made iron [drawing] put regs in forms secured fill with Hg & preliminize various speeds condensing Hg-- sand bath {Payne}
- Author
- Edison, Thomas Alva
- Date
- 1887-05-01
- Type
- Technical Note
- Folder ID
- N320-F
- Microfilm ID
- 43:381
- Document ID
- N320193
- Publisher
- Thomas A. Edison Papers, School of Arts and Sciences, Rutgers University
- License
- CC0 1.0 Universal
- Has Version
- Archive.org Viewer, Microfilm Series Reel 43
- Item sets
- [N320-F] N-86-08-17 (1886, 1887)