[NM031001], Technical Note, William Kennedy Laurie Dickson, June 5th, 1887
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- Title
- [NM031001], Technical Note, William Kennedy Laurie Dickson, June 5th, 1887
- Editor's Notes
- "Magnetic Ore Separator Experiments Gold and Iron Commenced June 5th/87. Problem. To Separate Metallic Gold from Pyrites etc Magnetically. June 5th/87 [drawing] I commenced opperations by using some ordinary Iron Pyrites (FeS2) which I crushed and sieved to 90 mesh then pursued the following experiments. I made a sieve in a coarser mesh in which I placed the pulverized ore shaking it down by hand into a hopper as per above sketch from which it passed downwards in a stream in close proximity to an electromagnet of considerable strength and watched to see if on exciting the field there should be any deviation of the stream or part of same towards the magnet and iff so, to keep the separate streams of paramagnetic and Diamagnetic premanently in thei respective places by means of a dividor as shown in sketch having a recepticle on both sides to hold the ore. The principal difficulty I have now to contend with is the spreading of the stream. Its tendecy to scatter, so to obviate this trouble in a measure I boxed the whole arrangement to keep out draughts of air. This I find a very necessary & indispensable step."
- Date
- 1887-06-05
- Type
- Technical Note
- Folder ID
- NM031-F
- Microfilm ID
- 106:673
- Document ID
- NM031001
- Publisher
- Thomas A. Edison Papers, School of Arts and Sciences, Rutgers University
- License
- CC0 1.0 Universal
- Has Version
- Archive.org Viewer, Microfilm Series Reel 106
- Item sets
- [NM031-F] Notebook, E-2610 (1887-1888)