[SC17002A1], Interview, Thomas Alva Edison, January 1917
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CSV: Metadata
- Title
- [SC17002A1], Interview, Thomas Alva Edison, January 1917
- Bibliographic Citation
Edison, Thomas Alva. "Edison Views the World at Seventy." New York Sun, 28 Jan. 1917.
- Author
- Edison, Thomas Alva
- Mentioned
- New York Sun
- Osler, William
- Exhibition. Paris Universal (1889)
- Grand Trunk Herald (1862)
- Grand Trunk Railway (Canada)
- American Druggists Syndicate
- Browning, Robert
- Debussy, Claude
- Cummings, Amos Jay
- Bell, Alexander Graham
- Gladstone, William Ewart
- Gouraud, George Edward
- Steinmetz, Charles Proteus
- Durand, Nelson C
- Edison, Mina Miller (Mrs Thomas A.)
- Lincoln, Abraham
- Naval Consulting Board
- Tennyson, Alfred Lord
- White, Edward Douglass
- Meadowcroft, William Henry
- Thomson, William, (Lord Kelvin)
- Date
- 1917-01-00
- Type
- Interview
- Subject
- TAE health
- TAE personality and character
- TAE opinions and prejudices
- Reminiscences
- Expositions, demonstrations, lectures
- Stock ticker, universal printer, and other printing telegraphs
- Incandescent lamp
- Chemicals, chemical products, and chemical processes
- Cylinder phonograph
- Folder ID
- SC17-F
- Microfilm ID
- 288:646
- Document ID
- SC17002A1
- Publisher
- Thomas A. Edison Papers, School of Arts and Sciences, Rutgers University
- License
- CC0 1.0 Universal
- Has Version
- Archive.org Viewer, Microfilm Series Reel 288
- Item sets
- [SC17-F] Clippings (1917)