[X001M3249], Instructions, Wilson Stout Howell, March 26th, 1889
CSV: Metadata
- Title
- [X001M3249], Instructions, Wilson Stout Howell, March 26th, 1889
- Editor's Notes
- Inspection of Dynamos Location of plant Plant owned by Plant operated by Plant Started Capacity of plant at start Increase since start Present capacity Type of dynamos first installed Type of dynamos since installed Give shop number of each dynamos and armatures That is length of daily run That be management of station Are men generally competent Who has charge of dynamos Is he a competent and faithful man What kind of care is given to dynamos Are dynamos abused in any way Who makes repairs to dynamos Are repairs properly made Who tests dynamos for faults How often are dynamos tested What is method of testing Are faults promptly reminded when located What is most frequent fault in dynamos in this station What style of volt meter is used Have they a standard ampere meter Where is dynamos room located Is room dry and well ventilated Are engines in dynamos room What is maximum temperature of dynamos room Are steam pipes near dynamos Are water pipes near or above dynamos State general condition of dynamo room What power drives dynamos How are dynamos belted to power What type of steam engine is used How many engines Do engines race Is speed uniform and constant What is engine speed at minimum load What is engine speed at average load What is size of engine and diameter of driving pulley What is distance between dynamos pulley counter and the counter of the pulley which drives it What is size of each pulley What kind of belt is used and by whom made What is width of belts Are belts single or double light, heavy or medium thick What kind of belt is preferred and why Are belts run tight or loose Do belts slip with full load Are they driven vertically or horizontally Is slack side on top or bottom of pulley Are belts made endless or laced Are belts kept clean or are they saturated with oil What precaution is taken to keep oil off of belts What means are taken to remove oil from belts What is life of belts What style of bearing is used Are self-oiling bearings properly set up How often is oil removed in self-oiling bearing Do self oiling bearings give any trouble Are solid babbit boxes or shells used in old style bearing Which type of pillow block is preferred and why Do bearings heat Which end of shaft heats most What is maximum temperature of bearings What is average temperature of bearings What method is used to reduce a hot bearing Are journals examined and scraped after heating Are bearings worn down so as to endanger armature by contact with fluid-pieces. Do shafts rattle in bearings Do armatures have lateral motion in bearings What kind of oil is used on dynamos By whom made What is price of oil So oil filtered before being used Is oil filtered after passing through the bearings and reused How many drops per minute is fed from oil cups Are oil cups cleaned out and kept clean Are all parts of dynamos insulated from earth Are all windings and conductors of dynamos insulated from the frames of bases Are the bolts of the base frame or the tracks grounded What kind of base frame is dynamos on What support has base frame Is base frame painted or varnished Is base frame dry or saturated with oil Is floor dry or saturated with oil What is speed of armature at maximum load What is the speed of armature at minimum load What is speed of armature at average load What is maximum load of dynamos What is minimum load of dynamos What is average load of dynamos How many hours does maximum load hold What is average daily run of each dynamos What is maximum load of station What is minimum load of station What is average load of station How many hours does maximum load of station hold How many dynamos are run to every maximum load of station How many dynamos are run to carry minimum load on station What is E.M.F. of bus during maximum load What is E.M.F. of bus during minimum load What is E.M.F. at feeder end Are equalizers properly operated Are indicators properly operated What is style of dynamos ampere-meter Where is it placed and how connected to dynamos What is its condition Is it correct? What is style of main and neutral ampere meters Where are they placed and how connected What is their condition Are they correct Do dynamos ampere meters agree with the main and neutral ampere meters Is the load carefully balanced between the dynamos Are the two sides of the three-wire system balanced Do all dynamos regulate alike In what manner does regulation differ and what is caused In what way are dynamos thrown in and out Is dynamos galvanometer used Is armature balanced What is general condition of armature Is a spare armature carried in stock What is its number Are all armatures tested as soon as received How are armatures handled Where is spare armature kept How is it protected from damage Is it under a window liable to wetted by rain What is general condition of commutator What care is given it Is it kept clean and polished Is commutator round Is ear of commutator even its entire length Is commutator cut, and how What is cause of cutting What size of sandpaper is used on commutator What lubrication is used on connectator Does oil get on commutator from journals Do rungs of fire run around commutator How is this remedied How are commutators turned off What is most serious trouble with commutators Is spare commutator carried in stock What care is given to it Who repairs commutators What is general condition of brushes What kind of brush is used Which kind of brush is preferred and why Are brushes kept in good shape Are brushes kept clean How much contact has brush on commutator What is pressure of brush on commutator Are brushes staggered or opposite Are brushes allowed to spark or are they promptly adjusted to stop sparking What is life of brushes Is dynamo mains careful to bring dynamo to slow speed before raising brushes Are brushes raised at end of run or left in contact with commutator Are dynamo magnets of original polarity Have dynamos magnets ever been reversed What was cause of reveral Have magnets ever been reversed by lighting What form of lightning arrester is used Where is it placed Does it perform its duty What style of switch is used to throw dynamos in and out Do switch contacts heat Has each dynamo a changing switch Where is it located What trouble is experienced with dynamo changing switch Does dynamo changing switch stand open or closed where its dynamo is out of service What is condition of station wiring bus, feeder + apparel Are connections frequently examined Are dynamo regulator wires properly run safely insulated from earth and from each other Are conductors overhead or underground What is their general condition Are short circuits frequent on conductors is a competent line main employed Is arc light plant operated in same town What system Is arc light plant operated in same station Are arc light wires on same poles as Edison system Have crosses ever occurred between arc and Edison location What is to prevent such crosses How many and what size of large motors are used Respectfully submitted to Samuel Insull Esq. Treasurer + Gual Manager Edison Machine Works, #19 Dey Strut, New York, Wilson S. Howell New Brunswick
- Author
- Howell, Wilson Stout
- Mentioned
- Insull, Samuel
- Date
- 1889-03-26
- Type
- Instructions
- Folder ID
- X001M3-F
- Document ID
- X001M3249
- Publisher
- Thomas A. Edison Papers, School of Arts and Sciences, Rutgers University
- License
- CC0 1.0 Universal