[X098C003], Letter from William Joseph Hammer to Edward Hibberd Johnson, December 29th, 1888
CSV: Metadata
- Title
- [X098C003], Letter from William Joseph Hammer to Edward Hibberd Johnson, December 29th, 1888
- Editor's Notes
- "Mr. Edison together with the various interests bearing his name have decided to make an elaborate display of Mr. Edison's various inventions together with displays illustrating their commercial development &c. It is proposed to exhibit a complete 3 Wire Central Station Plant, which will be sued to light the Edison sections of the Exhibition, a Municipal plant, the Multipolar Dynamo, Direct Current Transformer, ThermoElectric Generator & Motor, Disc Dynamom, Indicating & regulating apparatus, model meter department complete together with plans, maps, photographs & c all the above will be in the department devoted to elecrtric lighting & I only specify some of the features of this section to convey an idea of the completeness with which we hopt to arange each section devoted to telegraphic work telephone & phonographic work, as well as other departments of Mr. Edison's work. Certain material apparatus wil be required from Mssrs Bergmann & Co for the lighting up of the Edison exhibits for use in connection with the various apparatus & it is suggested that all such material required from Mssrs Bergmann & Co. which shall be returned in good order shall be loaned free of charge & all materials necessary which cannot be returned shall be furnished at cost. I enclose herewith a list of the material required for the 3 wire & municipal plan & will forward you at once a memo of the material required for filling up the [model?] meter [illeg] Regular requisitions for any of this material will be sent B & Co at once upon receipt of advices from you that such an arrangement can be effected, in this connection I desire to state that the Machine Wks, Lamp Co., Mr. Edison's Laboratory & others have put their heart co-operation to this work & matters as far as they are concerned are progressing nicely. In closing I wish to impress upon you the absolute necessity of [-----] upon this as a large portion of this material must be ready between the 15th & 31st of Jan 1889 for shipent." "PS Estimating roughly the value of the material in enclosed memorating is between four & five thousand dollars including hwat is required for the meter department estimating at the nett catalogue prices furnished by Bergmann & Co. ### Approximately 15% of this will be perishable material that is unsuited for returning after Exposition is over. ## N.B. Probably this whole stock could be disposed of in Europe at a fiar figure after the Exposition is over. It runs from May 4th to Oct 26 [89]"
- Author
- Hammer, William Joseph
- Recipient
- Johnson, Edward Hibberd
- Mentioned
- Edison Lamp Co
- Exhibition. Paris Universal (1889)
- Edison Machine Works
- Bergmann & Co
- Edison, Thomas Alva
- Date
- 1888-12-29
- Type
- Letter
- Folder ID
- X098C-F
- Document ID
- X098C003
- Rights
- NMAH Archives Center
- Publisher
- Thomas A. Edison Papers, School of Arts and Sciences, Rutgers University
- License
- CC0 1.0 Universal