[X154A8AW], Letter from Uriah Hunt Painter to Edward Hibberd Johnson, March 10th, 1889
CSV: Metadata
- Title
- [X154A8AW], Letter from Uriah Hunt Painter to Edward Hibberd Johnson, March 10th, 1889
- Editor's Notes
- My Dr, Mr. Johnson: Enclosed with this I return Reiffs letter of 3, 8, 89. You never gave him the 500 shares of stock, and did no have the most remote idea of doing it.##You had a payment to make on a note of $1,000., and had only about $100. to do it with. You wrote to me that you had borrowed $500. from Reiff on 500 shares of Phonograph stock wich you had bought for $2.00 a share, and asked me if I could let you have the balance to meet the note, which I did without hesitation.##This transaction had been entirely forgotten by Reiff until I called his attention to it last summer and asked him if you had ever repaid the money. He replied that he did not know whether you had or not, and I then asked him where the certificate was, as you had taken out a certificate of 500 shares to give him as collatteral for that loan, but found that he had no recollection of ever having had the certificate and after the most thorough search amongst his papers reports to me that he can find no trace of it.##You made him a present at one time of 100 shares of Phono. Stock, which was part of the stock that I got Mr. Hubbard to make you a present of when the Co. was organized. The certificate for the 100 shares which was assigned to him on the books of the Co. being his property he has lost.
- Author
- Painter, Uriah Hunt
- Recipient
- Johnson, Edward Hibberd
- Date
- 1889-03-10
- Type
- Letter
- Subject
- Financial operations (companies and organizations)
- Stocks, bonds, and investments
- Cylinder phonograph
- Folder ID
- X154A8-F
- Document ID
- X154A8AW
- Publisher
- Thomas A. Edison Papers, School of Arts and Sciences, Rutgers University
- License
- CC0 1.0 Universal
- Item sets
- [X154A8-F] Unbound Documents (1889)