Starting with the issue of August 1, 1908, Tips was a publication of the Edison Business Phonograph Co. Issued roughly once a week, it provided dealers with technical and promotional information, usually in a single-sheet, broadside format. The publication was continued by Thomas A. Edison, Inc., in February 1911 and endured into the 1940s.
The archives of the Edison National Historical Park contains nearly a complete run of Tips. The extant issues for the period August 1908-December 1913 can be found in a bound volume with a cover marked "Tips 1-199." The issues through May 13,1911 (number 100) have been selected. An index to numbers 1-49 appears at the end of the issue of December 15, 1909. An index to numbers 51-100 is bound between the issues of June 10, 1911, and June 26, 1911. The indexes appear first.