[E1359A-F] (E-13-59) Motion Pictures (January-June)
Edison General File Series -- 1913
[E1359AA], Letter from William H Sanborn to Thomas Alva Edison, January 4th, 1913 1913-01-04
[E1359AB], Letter from Dr A E Nienstadt to Thomas Alva Edison, January 5th, 1913 1913-01-05
[E1359AC], Letter from George A House to Harry Frederick Miller, January 8th, 1913 1913-01-08
[E1359AD], Letter from MacDonald and Bostwick to Thomas Alva Edison, January 10th, 1913 1913-01-10
[E1359AE], Letter from MacDonald and Bostwick to Edison (Thomas A.) Inc, January 10th, 1913 1913-01-10
[E1359AF], Letter from Thompson Tyler Co to Thomas Alva Edison, January 11th, 1913 1913-01-11
[E1359AG], Letter from Michael Bennett Leavitt to Thomas Alva Edison, January 12th, 1913 1913-01-12
[E1359AH], Letter from Horace G Plimpton to William Henry Meadowcroft, January 13th, 1913 1913-01-13
[E1359AH1], Letter from Frank Lewis Dyer to Thomas Alva Edison, January 13th, 1913 1913-01-13
[E1359AI], Telegram from Thomas Alva Edison to Montgomery Amusement Co, January 14th, 1913 1913-01-14
[E1359AJ], Letter from Paul Henderson Cromelin to Thomas Alva Edison, January 14th, 1913 1913-01-14
[E1359AK], Letter from Carl Hillis Wilson to John J Murdock, American Talking Picture Co, January 14th, 1913 1913-01-14
[E1359AL], Letter from Bell and Howell to John Robertson Rogers, January 14th, 1913 1913-01-14
[E1359AM], Letter from Thompson Tyler Co to Thomas Alva Edison, January 15th, 1913 1913-01-15
[E1359AN], Report from Edison (Thomas A.) Inc. Kinetoscope and Kinetophone Committee, January 15th, 1913 1913-01-15
[E1359AO], Letter from Miller Reese Hutchison to Thomas Alva Edison, January 16th, 1913 1913-01-16
[E1359AP], Letter from Carl Hillis Wilson to Miller Reese Hutchison, John Pelzer, Thomas Alva Edison, William Maxwell, January 17th, 1913 1913-01-17
[E1359AQ], Letter from Carl Hillis Wilson to John J Murdock, American Talking Picture Co, January 17th, 1913 1913-01-17
[E1359AR], Letter from Miller Reese Hutchison to Thomas Alva Edison, January 19th, 1913 1913-01-19
[E1359AS], Letter from Charles Allen Munn to Thomas Alva Edison, January 20th, 1913 1913-01-20
[E1359AT], Letter from Louis Hays Dos Passos to Thomas Alva Edison, January 20th, 1913 1913-01-20
[E1359AU], Letter from Michael Bennett Leavitt to Thomas Alva Edison, January 21st, 1913 1913-01-21
[E1359AV], Letter from William Walter Dinwiddie to Thomas Alva Edison, January 22nd, 1913 1913-01-22
[E1359AW], Letter from Motion Picture Exhibitors League of Michigan, W Lester Levy to Thomas Alva Edison, January 22nd, 1913 1913-01-22
[E1359AX], Report from William Hosmer Ives, January 22nd, 1913 1913-01-22
[E1359AX1], Letter from Carl Hillis Wilson to Thomas Alva Edison, Charles J Wetzel, January 23rd, 1913 1913-01-23
[E1359AY], Letter from John W Larned to Thomas Alva Edison, January 25th, 1913 1913-01-25
[E1359AZ], Article, Akron Times, January 31st, 1913 1913-01-31
[E1359BA], Letter from Christian Petersen to Thomas Alva Edison, February 1st, 1913 1913-02-01
[E1359BB], Letter from Miller Reese Hutchison to Carl Hillis Wilson, February 3rd, 1913 1913-02-03
[E1359BC], Letter from Miller Reese Hutchison to Thomas Alva Edison, February 6th, 1913 1913-02-06
[E1359BD], Letter from William Henry Meadowcroft to Thomas Alva Edison, February 7th, 1913 1913-02-07
[E1359BD1], Letter from Silver Burdett & Co, Lewis Henry Putney to Thomas Alva Edison, December 17th, 1912 1912-12-17
[E1359BE], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Lewis Henry Putney, Silver Burdett & Co, December 24th, 1912 1912-12-24
[E1359BF], Letter from Lewis Henry Putney, Silver Burdett & Co to Thomas Alva Edison, January 29th, 1913 1913-01-29
[E1359BG], Letter from Carl Hillis Wilson to American Talking Picture Co, John J Murdock, February 12th, 1913 1913-02-12
[E1359BH], Letter from Horace G Plimpton to Harry Frederick Miller, February 15th, 1913 1913-02-15
[E1359BI], Letter from Peter Dawe to Thomas Alva Edison, February 17th, 1913 1913-02-17
[E1359BJ], Telephone Message from Miller Reese Hutchison to Thomas Alva Edison, February 17th, 1913 1913-02-17
[E1359BK], Letter from Miller Reese Hutchison to Thomas Alva Edison, February 17th, 1913 1913-02-17
[E1359BL], Letter from William Maxwell to William Hosmer Ives, February 17th, 1913 1913-02-17
[E1359BM], Letter from Agassiz Assn, Edward F Bigelow to Miller Reese Hutchison, February 17th, 1913 1913-02-17
[E1359BN], Letter from Arthur D Chandler to Thomas Alva Edison, February 18th, 1913 1913-02-18
[E1359BO], Letter from William Maxwell to William Hosmer Ives, February 18th, 1913 1913-02-18
[E1359BP], Letter from Miller Reese Hutchison to Thomas Alva Edison, February 19th, 1913 1913-02-19
[E1359BQ], Letter from Harry Frederick Miller to Thomas Alva Edison, February 19th, 1913 1913-02-19
[E1359BR], Letter from Miller Reese Hutchison to Thomas Alva Edison, February 20th, 1913 1913-02-20
[E1359BS], Letter from Miller Reese Hutchison to Thomas Alva Edison, February 21st, 1913 1913-02-21
[E1359BT], Article, Philadelphia Item, February 23rd, 1913 1913-02-23
[E1359BT1], Article, February 25th, 1913 1913-02-25
[E1359BU], Letter from New York Times, Charles Ransom Miller to Thomas Alva Edison, February 24th, 1913 1913-02-24
[E1359BV], Letter from Miller Reese Hutchison to Thomas Alva Edison, February 24th, 1913 1913-02-24
[E1359BW], Letter from Miller Reese Hutchison to Thomas Alva Edison, February 24th, 1913 1913-02-24
[E1359BX], Letter from Frank E Howard to Thomas Alva Edison, February 24th, 1913 1913-02-24
[E1359BY], Letter from William Maxwell to Thomas Alva Edison, John Pelzer, February 24th, 1913 1913-02-24
[E1359BZ], Letter from Thomas Reed to Thomas Alva Edison, February 25th, 1913 1913-02-25
[E1359CA], Letter from Miller Reese Hutchison to William Henry Meadowcroft, February 26th, 1913 1913-02-26
[E1359CB], Letter from John Hutchinson Powrie to Thomas Alva Edison, February 27th, 1913 1913-02-27
[E1359CC], Letter from Miller Reese Hutchison to Thomas Alva Edison, February 27th, 1913 1913-02-27
[E1359CD], Letter from Miller Reese Hutchison to Thomas Alva Edison, February 27th, 1913 1913-02-27
[E1359CE], Letter from Stern and Silverman, William A Stern to Thomas Alva Edison, February 27th, 1913 1913-02-27
[E1359CF], Letter from W E McCanna, Mer-Mac Theatre to Thomas Alva Edison, February 28th, 1913 1913-02-28
[E1359CG], Telegram from J M Hill to William Henry Meadowcroft, February 28th, 1913 1913-02-28
[E1359CH], Letter from Paul Henderson Cromelin to Thomas Alva Edison, March 1st, 1913 1913-03-01
[E1359CI], Letter from Charles A Meadows to Thomas Alva Edison, March 2nd, 1913 1913-03-02
[E1359CJ], Letter from James A MacBride to Thomas Alva Edison, March 3rd, 1913 1913-03-03
[E1359CK], Letter from William Maxwell to Thomas Alva Edison, March 3rd, 1913 1913-03-03
[E1359CL], Letter from Henry Lanahan to Thomas Alva Edison, March 3rd, 1913 1913-03-03
[E1359CM], Report from Edison (Thomas A.) Inc. Kinetograph Dept, Gilbert Henry Baldwin, March 4th, 1913 1913-03-04
[E1359CN], Letter from Jesse Mitchell to Thomas Alva Edison, March 4th, 1913 1913-03-04
[E1359CO], Letter from Adolf Kohn to Thomas Alva Edison, March 4th, 1913 1913-03-04
[E1359CP], Letter from Miller Reese Hutchison to Thomas Alva Edison, March 5th, 1913 1913-03-05
[E1359CQ], Letter from Carl Hillis Wilson to Thomas Alva Edison, William F Nehr, March 5th, 1913 1913-03-05
[E1359CR], Letter from S R Greene to Thomas Alva Edison, March 5th, 1913 1913-03-05
[E1359CS], Instructions, Edison (Thomas A.) Inc, Miller Reese Hutchison, March 7th, 1913 1913-03-07
[E1359CT], Letter from George H Upp to Thomas Alva Edison, March 9th, 1913 1913-03-09
[E1359CU], Letter from George W Harrold to Thomas Alva Edison, March 10th, 1913 1913-03-10
[E1359CV], Letter from Miller Reese Hutchison to Thomas Alva Edison, March 11th, 1913 1913-03-11
[E1359CW], Letter from Miller Reese Hutchison to Thomas Alva Edison, March 11th, 1913 1913-03-11
[E1359CX], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Miller Reese Hutchison, March 1913 1913-03-00
[E1359CY], Letter from Luigi Romano to William Henry Meadowcroft, March 12th, 1913 1913-03-12
[E1359CY1], Letter from Burton and Burton to Thomas Alva Edison, March 12th, 1913 1913-03-12
[E1359CZ], Letter from Miller Reese Hutchison to William Henry Meadowcroft, March 15th, 1913 1913-03-15
[E1359DA], Letter from William W Hawkins to West Orange Laboratory, March 17th, 1913 1913-03-17
[E1359DB], Letter from James B Barry to Thomas Alva Edison, March 19th, 1913 1913-03-19
[E1359DC], Letter from Anna B Russell to Thomas Alva Edison, March 20th, 1913 1913-03-20
[E1359DD], Letter from Miller Reese Hutchison to William Henry Meadowcroft, March 22nd, 1913 1913-03-22
[E1359DE], Letter from Thomas Reed to Thomas Alva Edison, March 12th, 1913 1913-03-12
[E1359DF], Letter from A E White to Thomas Alva Edison, March 22nd, 1913 1913-03-22
[E1359DG], Letter from William Maxwell to William Hosmer Ives, Thomas Alva Edison, Frank K Dolbeer, John Pelzer, Miller Reese Hutchison, March 24th, 1913 1913-03-24
[E1359DH], Letter from Carl Hillis Wilson to Miller Reese Hutchison, Thomas Alva Edison, March 26th, 1913 1913-03-26
[E1359DI], Letter from Spurgeon Cowart to Thomas Alva Edison, March 27th, 1913 1913-03-27
[E1359DJ], Letter from S A Nauheim to Thomas Alva Edison, March 28th, 1913 1913-03-28
[E1359DK], Letter from W H Baker to Thomas Alva Edison, March 31st, 1913 1913-03-31
[E1359DL], Report from Edison (Thomas A.) Inc. Educational Film Dept, April 1st, 1913 1913-04-01
[E1359DM], Letter from Carl Hillis Wilson to Thomas Alva Edison, William Maxwell, April 7th, 1913 1913-04-07
[E1359DN], Letter from Thomas Reed to Thomas Alva Edison, April 9th, 1913 1913-04-09
[E1359DO], Letter from L A Schlesinger to Thomas Alva Edison, April 9th, 1913 1913-04-09
[E1359DO1], Letter from Burton and Burton to Thomas Alva Edison, April 9th, 1913 1913-04-09
[E1359DO2], Letter from Burton and Burton to Thomas Alva Edison, March 17th, 1913 1913-03-17