[E1525-F] (E-15-25) Edison, T. A.
Edison General File Series -- 1915
[E1525AA], Letter from Clifford Wayne Tuthill to Walter Stevens, January 8th, 1915 1915-01-08
[E1525AB], Letter from Albert Houghton Pratt, Burroughs Nature Club to Thomas Alva Edison, January 16th, 1915 1915-01-16
[E1525AC], Letter from Mark H C Spiers to Thomas Alva Edison, February 1st, 1915 1915-02-01
[E1525AD], Letter from Rosa M Willson to Thomas Alva Edison, February 8th, 1915 1915-02-08
[E1525AE], Letter from George C Sculley to Thomas Alva Edison, February 25th, 1915 1915-02-25
[E1525AF], Letter from Clinton Biddle to Thomas Alva Edison, March 5th, 1915 1915-03-05
[E1525AF1], Letter from Fleming Ratcliff to Thomas Alva Edison, March 5th, 1915 1915-03-05
[E1525AG], Letter from B J Maloney to Thomas Alva Edison, March 15th, 1915 1915-03-15
[E1525AH], Letter from Rossiter Worthington Raymond to Thomas Alva Edison, April 9th, 1915 1915-04-09
[E1525AI], Letter from Edward Lind Morse to Thomas Alva Edison, May 19th, 1915 1915-05-19
[E1525AJ], Letter from Waterman (L.E.) Co, Frank Dan Waterman to Thomas Alva Edison, June 3rd, 1915 1915-06-03
[E1525AK], Letter from Frederick Joseph Stone, Jr. to Thomas Alva Edison, June 22nd, 1915 1915-06-22
[E1525AL], Letter from Upton Sinclair to Thomas Alva Edison, June 28th, 1915 1915-06-28
[E1525AM], Letter from James Norris Gamble to Thomas Alva Edison, July 22nd, 1915 1915-07-22
[E1525AM1], Article, Cincinnati Times Star, 1915 1915-00-00
[E1525AN], Letter from Mrs John I Olney to Thomas Alva Edison, July 23rd, 1915 1915-07-23
[E1525AQ], Letter from Percy Wallace MacKaye to Mina Miller (Mrs Thomas A.) Edison, September 16th, 1915 1915-09-16
[E1525AR], Letter from James Gaunt to Thomas Alva Edison, September 27th, 1915 1915-09-27
[E1525AS], Letter from Arthur Williams to Thomas Alva Edison, October 13th, 1915 1915-10-13
[E1525AT], Letter from Edwin Ruthven Weeks to Thomas Alva Edison, November 20th, 1915 1915-11-20
[E1525AU], Letter from Byken S N Takagi to Thomas Alva Edison, November 22nd, 1915 1915-11-22
[E1525AW], Letter from Ingersoll (Robert H.) and Bro to William Henry Meadowcroft, November 29th, 1915 1915-11-29
[E1525AX], Letter from Frank D Fagan to Thomas Alva Edison, December 9th, 1915 1915-12-09
[E1525AY], Letter from Henry E Dixey to Thomas Alva Edison, December 20th, 1915 1915-12-20
[E1525AZ], Letter from R W A Horner to Thomas Alva Edison, December 24th, 1915 1915-12-24